Choosing an internship with SIA means you want to learn real-world skills from a global leader in advanced automotive manufacturing.
Internships at SIA are immersive, giving you invaluable, hands-on experience in a diverse range of career options.

internship opportunities
High School Internships
High School Students from
Jeff High School
Harrison High School
McCutcheon High School
Contact your ICE/BCE Coordinator at your school for more information
Maintenance Internships
The Advanced Internship in Manufacturing (AIM) Program at SIA
Combines the classroom with real-world, hands-on experience
Gives you a direct path to employment in the advanced manufacturing sector
Allows you to earn a two or four year degree with little or NO DEBT!
Click on the brochure to learn more about SIA's AIM Program and learn how to get on the FAST TRACK to your future!
College Internships
Professional Internships